Do you know Japan’s traffic rules?

Do you know Japan’s traffic rules?

Let’s adhere to Japan’s traffic rules as follows and enjoy a smooth car life!

Basic Traffic Rules

There are frequent traffic accidents in the prefecture, and the number of cases where foreigners become victims or perpetrators is increasing. To avoid traffic accidents, please strictly adhere to the following basic rules:

  • Pedestrians should keep to the right side of the road, while cars and bicycles should keep to the left side.
  • Pedestrians have the right of way over vehicles.
  • Follow traffic signals and road signs.
  • Obey the instructions of police officers.
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Pedestrian Basic Rules

  • Where there is a sidewalk, please use it without fail.

  • Where there is no sidewalk, walk on the right side of the road.

  • When crossing the road, follow the pedestrian signals at signalized intersections, and use pedestrian crossings where signals are not present.

  • Before crossing the road, carefully check both directions to ensure no cars are approaching and that any cars have come to a stop.

  • During nighttime, wear reflective materials or bright clothing for visibility.

Bicycle Basic Rules

  • Bicycles should travel in a single file on the left side of the roadway.
  • Bicycles may use sidewalks with signs permitting bicycle passage.
  • Do not ride bicycles with two people, use umbrellas, or operate them with one hand while carrying items.
  • At railway crossings or stop signs, always stop and check for safety in both directions before proceeding.
  • At signalized intersections, cyclists should follow traffic signals.
  • There have been numerous traffic accidents involving foreign nationals on bicycles in Aichi Prefecture. Please exercise sufficient caution when cycling.

Basic Rules for Automobiles

  • Individuals without a valid driver’s license or who have consumed alcohol must never drive a car.

  • Obey traffic regulations, including traffic signals, signs, and road markings.

  • Always wear seat belts when driving a car, and wear helmets when riding a motorcycle.

  • Use a child seat when transporting children under 6 years old.

  • Adhere to posted speed limits; do not exceed the designated speed.

  • Use headlights early during twilight hours.

  • Refrain from using mobile phones while driving.

  • There have been numerous traffic accidents involving elderly individuals. Show extra consideration when encountering elderly drivers.

What to Do in the Following Situation

If you are ever involved in an accident, knowing the following will provide peace of mind.

Stay calm and handle the situation appropriately.

When a Car Breaks Down at a Railroad Crossing

If your car becomes immobilized at a railroad crossing, take the following steps promptly to alert the train operator and move the vehicle away from the crossing:

  • Press the push-button type railroad crossing obstruction notification device attached to the alarm post to signal the train.
  • Use a handheld flare or similar device to signal the approaching train.

  • If flares are unavailable, create smoke signals or use something that produces smoke nearby to signal the train.

If you are involved in a traffic accident

please remain calm and follow these steps:

  • Move your vehicle to a safe place where it does not obstruct traffic, and turn off the engine.

  • If there are any injuries, call the fire department (dial 119) and administer first aid such as applying gauze or a handkerchief to stop bleeding until medical help arrives.

  • Immediately call the police (dial 110) and provide details of the accident location, number of injured persons, and severity of injuries as instructed.

  • If there are no injuries, do not leave the accident scene until police officers arrive.

  • Note that in addition to civil liabilities, causing a traffic accident can result in severe administrative penalties (such as license suspension or revocation) and legal consequences (fines, etc.). Traffic accidents not only affect you but can also bring unhappiness to your loved ones and friends, so always prioritize safe driving to prevent accidents.

Emergency Phone Call Procedures

  Injuries     ( 119 )  
  1. If there are injuries, dial 119. This number is toll-free and operates nationwide 24 hours a day.
  2. Dial 119 directly without an area code (push the button for emergency calls on public phones).
  3. Clearly state that there are injuries, provide the location, and your name. Example: “There has been an injury at (location). My name is (your name).”

   Traffic Accident     ( 110 )  
  1. In case of a traffic accident, dial 110. This number is toll-free and operates nationwide 24 hours a day.
  2. Dial 110 directly without an area code.
  3. Provide as accurate details as possible about when, where, and what happened, and provide your name. Example: “There has been a traffic accident at (time), (location). My name is (your name).”
  4. Also provide your contact information (phone number or mobile phone).

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